hotel deals in agadir

jeudi 16 avril 2015


Moroccan city of neonatal considered one of the most beautiful coastal cities are not only at the level of the Moroccan countries, but also at the level of countries worldwide, with views of the Atlantic coast, which is full of very large quantities of fish resources such as crabs of both types, it is also unique breeding aquatic shellfish, which distinguishes alone without the other rest of the world, which makes parenting airstrip tourists and Arabs of all nationalities and all go to it to deal with different colors and shapes and hiking shellfish in the trachea, which is one of the most famous places in parenting is the first core of her is with towers historic reed stands on its surface vintage brass cannon is more what attracts tourists to it, other than that this species of fish in them does not exist in any other country in the world as a whole.
Raise workers in parental city logo that visitors can taste all kinds of seafood quality and excellence and is found in any other place because they are filled with rocky beaches surrounding also surrounded by eucalyptus forests on marine her facade and this interface features basins salt-covered and crops quality high.
And remember Magda Mahmoud working in the outlet main parenthood, saying: come to us tourists from all Arab and foreign countries also accept heavily on shellfish perhaps more than fish, probably because it is possible to eat a fish in places and many cities, while shellfish can not be eaten, but here in parenting , there is a big demand and congestion does not end with throughout the year and why it is wet air located throughout the year, where classified parental globally within the wetland areas and There are about 114 species of water birds and amphibians is found only in the state of Morocco only and specifically in parenting, in addition to growth Twenty-four species classified three of them of rare birds, as there are two types of algae are growing not only in this region and that this region has many other types of fish, such as the rare Anquest Lomar and Crgo and assets and Dirie.
The fish caught and the quantities they exceed the rate of one hundred and thirty to two hundred kg per day and this amount is exhausted much locally or to neighboring areas and no more than that.
As for oyster farming, says Ibrahim Mohammed one working in oyster farming, shellfish aquaculture farming, which we may get some of Europe are in the waterway tight which is similar to a river separates him from the sea sand dunes and this stream parallel to the ocean meets waters in the case of the tide and pours it in case islands, and this privileged status makes this place a favorable climate for the cultivation of oysters, and clams are of this type bivalves and animal food from entering her mouth with evening objects.
Complemented by modern Abdula Haj factor raising oysters number of employees up those responsible for the oysters here from eight to ten key and ten temporary and we are working very hard and very love of the place and the oyster also, the coincidences pills Vtjelb from Japan or France we come out once a year and is placed in equipped to protect basins parasites and crab The oyster is divided into six types up production from an annual rate of three to five million units and domestic consumption of which exceed the rate of more than 10 percent, while there are 90 percent of them remaining in baskets from fifty to one hundred units around the cities of Casablanca and regret for the consumption of the rest in major hotels and restaurants.
The parental guests would come to constantly had met each magazine «Ahram Al-Arabi», where an English male sexual Vaamy it comes to parenting City, where he worked and lived in a nearby town.
He says: I came for the first time here after a colleague to it referred to as a masterpiece in terms of climate and nature, as well as the oyster is found in any other spot in the world, except here and since my first visit since about a year and I'm keen on had once or twice a year, accompanied by my wife and small daughter sometimes accompanied by my colleagues in the work.
Anita are English from Manchester, says: I loved Elsie delegations and shellfish since the first visit me in parental city and I came to Morocco, accompanied by my husband Daniel and my son because of the work of my husband one of the engineering projects in the vicinity of parenthood new city conditions and come here constantly to eat oysters and tasty invited my mom and my sister to visit This place is already Houdrta and Jbhma much.
Located parental City between the new towns and Safi, so that fishermen work by established cooperative since 1984, and it prepared to be the goal of mutual cooperation both among fishermen or boats to the events of equipment owners and maintain means fishing from damage and loss The genesis of parental attributable built to Zaid ibn al-Walid hence call parenthood known oyster farming since 1954 at the hands of French nationality recognized our late, and is one of the most important places of the Mohammed V Palace, which goes to the King for recreation from year to year and are always subject to minor updated from time to time.

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Ouarzazate, heart of South High Atlas Mountains

Ouarzazate is located in Morocco, with a population of 40 thousand people. The town of Ouarzazate in Morocco and in the heart of South High Atlas Mountains, at an altitude of 1.135 meters. Ouarzazate is the center of tourism in the Moroccan Sahara, and therefore full of huge hotels. Ouarzazate is also considered an attractive area for photographers movies because of the great views of the desert. There is an international airport in Ouarzazate.
Ouarzazate They call Hollywood Africa. No exaggeration in that, during the past twenty months, saw Ouarzazate filming 37 long tape and 106 tape shorts, and 74 a documentary, and 29 link ***** Yeh, and 24 music video. It is a private foreign production, which generates the country more than $ 200 million annually, with the events of hundreds of jobs in various technical and technological disciplines, and contribute to trade and tourism boom, in this region numbers.
Some views of the city of Ouarzazate
Bronchitis: bronchitis and is one of the historical monuments that Hafed by grandparents, were used in the shelter and sometimes repel enemies Colonial days

mercredi 15 avril 2015


City strait in the far north of the Kingdom of Morocco is located near the city of Tetouan and this city overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, although it small town of Knhataatmaz magnificent sea Batalaltha and calm
Although my visit her several times but I did not hopeless..

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Saidia is a coastal city in northern Morocco, bordering on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco. The city is located just 22 kilometers north of the volcano and 100 meters from the Algerian border
The city of tourist Almottagat Moroccan promising, where owns tens of kilometers of sandy beaches and yellow ideal climate throughout the year, prompting many tourist companies of the most important Spanish, English and French and US to finance tourism projects consisting of many hundreds of hotels and villas 750 hectares ..
As the most important beach in the Eastern Province is Saidia beach nicknamed Jawhara blue, which receives visitors every year from the people of the region and some regions of Morocco and outside the country as it is classified as the most beautiful
Beach in Africa ... Saidia constitute an excellent tourist space for everyone who wants to forget throughout the months of
Labor enters the atmosphere last Atgua the bustle and fun Allamehdodin you can not find a place where you can not hear sounds of music, but if you think in a quiet place to read your favorite novel or to drink your morning coffee beautiful, can be found here on the beach
The importance of its strategic location at the beach, where he was near the central tourist attraction, Europe and the Maghreb region as well as the Arab countries and its proximity to the international airport, Jeddah and Nador in addition to the two ports provided for Tervaan
The Saidia Beach is currently one of the cleanest beaches of Morocco and the largest and includes camps and residential accommodation and hotels
Tourist. The number of vacationers during the months of July and August (August) who spend their holidays at the beach more than a quarter of a million summer visitors, with the knowledge that the population of the city coast beach does not exceed outside the summer season more than 3 thousand Nsmaotstraei this beach area economist investor interest , as it became the first target in the field of tourism development in Morocco ..

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There is no doubt that the martil tourist city with all measurements. It features beautiful golden beaches and are available at multiple locations for a summer attracts visitors to the city annually ..otstqtab thousands of tourists from various wilderness has proved its presence in Moroccan tourist map.

Just as the glory of the city tourism charming  it is characterized by the historical dimension, which does not diminish the importance compared to cities in Morocco antique and historical Hakptha spread to dozens of centuries has played this overlooking the Mediterranean Sea city a leading role such as the eighteenth century where she was a bulwark to protect the north of Morocco enemies and invaders Arubans coming from the sea. She has lived periods of recovery and economic prosperity and tourism so that was commercially northern Morocco pole The bridge connects the economically extended Morocco European continent thanks all thanks to the huge port, built by the Spaniards and was running along the valley martial and evolution to become pulsating artery in the heart of the city and was receiving ships and vessels Commercial carrying manufactured goods toward Aruba also was receiving cruise ships carrying foreign tourists.

Moreover, he was a main nerve of the city it was running a large number of manpower ..lma was available from factories. The port has an important role in Andalusia also war was Asamlonh foreign diplomats to travel around ukdlk their countries to transport pilgrims to the Holy Land and to maintain the profitability of the port mocked the Spanish colonized most of his energies to provide bulldozers working on the transfer and the removal of dirt and sand sticking Bmdkhalh and so Removing all the dangers and harm Mahdeghin steamboats and vessels berthing at the port of tension.

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Asilah is a quiet town on the northern coast of Morocco, in a place overlooking the Atlantic coast and meant Visitors who tend to love tranquility and stillness. The city offers a haven from the vicinity of Tangier and Tetouan bustling cities, authentic The city beaches are uninhabited and dreamy atmosphere with relaxing. The town has buildings that dominated the character of the Mediterranean countries, comes from them with blue touches on the walls and doors white houses. Vcefov decorated homes graphically highlight the good feature enjoyed by the island a favorite place for artists.

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Tetouan exist north of the Kingdom of Morocco and is located on the Mediterranean Sea coast on the mountain heights between the Rif Mountains and Mount series Bunting. Ancient city is characterized by character and Andalusian architecture which was attended by immigrants coming from Al-Andalus during the fifteenth century, and the city Win a European character during the Spanish colonization of Morocco, as evidenced by the many buildings that are still high in the Spanish city Lakeha. Tetouan city is also characterized by the diversity of cultures, languages ​​and races to the housing and passed them out of the teeth through the ages and centuries.
Of the city of Tetouan long history due to centuries BC, enabling the excavations found the city to find the traces of a historic city dubbed the "Tamuda" which has a long history dating to the third century it was said of Birth. Tamuda city was destroyed in 40 AD during the Barbary War Alrmanih Aedemon during the revolution. After the Romans managed Qdinm of the provisions of the city have raised Bthchinha defensive walls still remain reduce time in Tetouan.
Tetouan city name means the eyes of the Amazigh language of ancient inhabitants of the city. Name of the city I knew many of the names which are experiencing only a change in the points not in the sense of the different races in different languages ​​and writings. Between the utter Tetouan and Tetouan and Tataun and Tataouine and Tatauan and Ttauan and Tatauan. Old name of the city found a place of historical references about the city since the atheist century.
The city of Tetouan were not her only cultural significance, but was of great economic importance, where she was a link between the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa, especially during the period of Islamic rule and after the city of Ceuta continued by the Spaniards and Portuguese, to remain so important coastal region that acts as a link between the north and after the occupation of the south coastal outposts and other centers. The resilience of the city in the face of the occupation contributed to the horses city court to reduce external threats, Vmend Created by Marini Sultan Abu Yusuf Yaqub year 1286 AD. The city had been destroyed by the Spaniards during the fourteenth century, during the reign of Sultan Abozabut Marini, who warmed up for the Liberation of Ceuta wars against the Spanish colonizers but was overpowered by the Spaniards in the battles, most recently in 1399 AD and vandalized the city after that.
History of the city began to talk with the commander Abu Hassan Ali Almnzera one coming from the Andalusian immigrants, who were transferred to the construction Andalusian city. Was associated with Sir Almnzera name as the founder of the city of Tetouan and its governor has said he died in the city. I knew the city of Tetouan then urbanized and civilized built many castles and Power, which is still kept pace with the city of Tetouan ancient times. City knew sophisticated urban another during the Spanish occupation of the northern cities of Morocco and the choice of the city of Tetouan, capital cities of the colony.
Tetouan city recorded within the humanitarian heritage of the UNESCO list in 1998 as it contains the possibility of historical and ancient relics and its long history, which left him many alleys and historic homes and many from the bottom and walls and Power and mosques, in addition to the traditional industry and crafts deployed in the Old City.
Tetouan, a town about 60 kilometers from the city of Tangier dominated by Mediterranean climate where dominated by separating moist and rainy from October to October to April-forgotten dry and hot and the separation starts from the month of May and -ayar until September-September. City rising from the sea has increased the presence of Eastern winds blowing over the city through multiple periods throughout the year.
Linking the city of Tetouan various Moroccan cities dense network of road signs and no means of transport multiple transported to the city from different points. Dinah Tetouan contain lingual sand Airport, which provides many of the air transport links to and from other Moroccan cities, and connects the city with many neighboring European cities. The city is after me there in Tangier International Airport Ibn Battuta, which can be a starting point to visit the city. As for transport across the rail network VSAT train Tangier bus belonging to the movement of rail transport to the city of Tetouan around the clock availability today. There is the city of Tetouan station for transport across large buses and taxis linking many of the transmission lines across the various buses Moroccan cities.

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The city of Meknes is one of the cities of the State of the Maghreb and built by Moulay Ismail to be the capital of his kingdom, and this city is located in the north that is, they just 140 km from the current Moroccan capital.

Includes the city of Meknes, a large number of the population, as the population of the city of Meknes is about a million people, and the large area somewhat, but what distinguished him from the rest of the cities of Morocco, it is characterized by the diversity of terrainous very cool, as they contain the plains, valleys, mountains and others.

The city of Meknes is divided into two parts, namely the new city and the old city, and is considered Meknes Mlguety traders and commercial convoys so they are characterized by the very large revenues through visiting traders have and spend money where the food and housing, and this gave her more than the rest of its neighboring towns importance.

The aim of the building Mawla Asail to Dinah Meknes is to make it one of the largest capitals and best in order to enter the highly competitive with the rest of the Arab and Western capitals, and the historians and described as the Versailles of Morocco, by comparing Pfersaa King Louis, became the destination of many tourists for tourism and recreation .

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Let's go to Essaouira

Inside our country located in North Africa in the south of the happy kingdom and there on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean dock City University of each natural beauties, which is blessed with views of combining fun self and comfort chilling, and thus brought to the attention of foreigners from all continents before Moroccans attention, and which receives Moroccan and foreign tourists What makes it be a tourist city par excellence to major tourist cities Moroccan side of the size of the cities of Marrakesh and Agadir neighbors, in this Alroportaj Narj the most important characteristic of a civilized city of Essaouira parameter tourist actually deserve to be a magnet for tourism because of the qualifications of its global prestige and fame. Accompanied by numbers indicate the status of Essaouira in the tourist map and its ability to attract different categories of foreign countries and cities of Morocco.
What distinguishes the city of Essaouira, being a small town quiet very magnificence and with beauty overlooking a strategic location on the shore of the sea peninsula, historic feats dating back to more than three centuries, the wall of the ancient city Babuabha majestic Bab Doukkala Bab Marrakech gate seven and exploits the old scaffolding Architectural unique traditional Bmdafha CFL expressing a unique civilization, and the city antique forms of engineering and construction, and the sea sticking to the city is not far only tens of meters for all accommodation, all witness to the point deserves to be a magnet for tourists sings about any area, moreover faces, which helps to cope with Temperatures in the summer in the finest known recreation, and coexistence with the hot weather in the summer in the finest known recreation, and coexistence with warmth in the winter and fall, and because Essaouira is windy city, the other fun no less important when the amateur sport sailing, and whenever warm air to the east winds sunny volatility as defined by Essaouira but found amateur sport chance for fun. When roaming in the streets and alleyways of Essaouira Tstoagafk occasional creations traditional manufacturer
And his proficiency in engraving on wood Aerar to discover various household items and other different sizes so there has become a luxury specialty shops in the tourist product, which I accept it tourist and found room for the acquisition needs him and his gifts, which exceeded the fame of other internal and external Valley View, Add to that what Ibdath feather artist Plastic Souairi in the expression of the culture and architecture and local traditions and give the pros archaeological and historical sites of the city saturation curiosity of the readers of this art of visitors. To improve the tourist area of ​​the city growing infrastructure and development notes in order to improve in this area and receive arrivals throughout the year.
The sea, the mountains, the woods, three unique province of Essaouira increases the fun tourist whenever Turn south, besides the city beautiful beach which increase his rays of light bulbs inflicted on the waves beautiful and the corresponding east of comprehensive insights on Gappoeh Mountains and the island of Mogador in the west, there is a golden beaches along Dozens of Kilhumicmrat not overlooked by tourists this land closest Sidi Kaouki Beach, which is the second tourist point after the city through the beach scourges then Sidi Ahmed Sayeh, all points Asttiyafah aided by forests of Staff mentioned by Ibn Khaldun and shred in describing beautiful world-famous in recent years Bzautea that craving far and wide, and in order to create the orbits of tourism for the development of rural tourism in the context of rural tourism development at the national level, the local authorities and elected and the various stakeholders in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization aims to develop a program and a strategy to activate the process for the development of rural tourism province of Essaouira linking the main tourist areas of the province plans beaten into the ground and the discovery of the tourist areas in a very magnificence of making Creator Creator photographer.

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Salé is an ancient Moroccan city of Salé labor and capital located in western country. The city is located on the north bank of the River Bouregreg, on the right of its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Moroccan capital Rabat. Named after an ancient name of Chellah.
The origins of the city, according to historians, the Almohad Testament (23:00 century), the city and saw the vigor and prosperity of that era. City knew sophisticated civilization reflected the achievements of the group comes in the forefront of the Great Mosque, established by Jacob Mansour Almohad the year 1196 AD The era Meridinide, (14th century AD) flourishing urban and civilized unparalleled H.tad Salé throughout Islamic history, the task of crossing between the cities and capitals of the Islamic point of period Morocco, like Fez, Marrakesh ruled. Thanks to the presence of the port on the coast of the city which has become a center of commercial exchange between Morocco and Europe and in turn led to the stability and sustainability of commercial and industrial activity to the limits of the nineteenth century.

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Chefchaouen blue city

Moroccan city of Chefchaouen or as they are called Blue City :), you might ask why this name called and why the city yellow Alordio not !! Snaguibk today on this question in our tour.

That city where you see all the buildings in blue until planting pots and everything you see there in blue, but why specifically the blue?

Chefchaouen is the old small town located on the northern countryside smooth Gharbamor Mountains, and because of the history of the city pays tribute to the year 1471 and that at the hands of 'Ali bin Rashid' '. As those limits to the north of the Mediterranean city waterfront stretching more than 120 km.

Chefchaouen become likable place for all the tourists, they are receiving a large number of tourists every year to enjoy the beauty of the blue colors, and see where the Landscape wonderful and especially in the month of April, where the season starts to open Zhormma reflects more Jzballnzer views.

It is worth mentioning that city is home to an important collection of buildings Altarichahalta largely reflect the historical and cultural character who topped this city. One of these features is the historic Casbah and see which image below has been Ali bin Rashid to be a bulwark against the Portuguese invaders Asalbeyen who Ahako expelled Muslims from Andalusia, as previously mentioned.

If you are visiting there you can combine multiple Reminiscences of shops that exist in that city where you see the garment industry workshops and various souvenir pictures and tissue, as you can enjoy the distinctive meals in the city's restaurants, where there is no food restaurants no preparation, but restaurants offer meals famous In Morocco Kalpsarh and couscous.

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Where you will spend your vacation this summer? What are your destination at the end of the week for recreation for yourself and your folks? Nature enthusiasts and mountain tourism .. and sea lovers and for those interested in Palmather civilizational and cultural tourism .. we suggest you sign a day will help you to choose your destination and programming your holiday times Astraankm Amkanatkm material according to your budget and planned.
How do you pray to the tourist site, signed by the book .. the most important titles that you need during his visit .. where to spend your night of yours .. to the list of restaurants and cafes into place .. What you can see in the region .. data is available in your evidence every day ..
Eureka, not far from Marrakech only about thirty kilometers visitor fade in time to make it the scenic beauty and splendor of the field feel that the arms of the legendary Atlas Mountains.
P «Eureka Valley» for the majestic Atlas Mountains as the oasis in the arid deserts, they both share the families of Visitors, eyes and minds.
It seems at first glance that they benefit from their proximity to the city of Marrakech, which sits on the throne of Morocco's cities in terms of bringing tourists, but spend days in Marrakech without visiting Eureka holiday lose a lot of taste and flavor.
So be added to the tourists visiting the capital city of palm explored aspects of the qualifications available to the town red.
Human senses in every kilometer, but in all the meters, broken in the direction of the Eureka Valley that gradually get rid of the noise of the cities, and its air polluter, concrete and its buildings, which seems to him that they eat up green space.
However parting welcome quietly captivating, and fresh air is refreshing, and the field of natural devoid of Urbanism only hotels along the way and Doawir, most of its population Amazigh, looks from a distance like a stuck Jebel, each refuses to die other.
Eureka offers storey tourist rarely counterpart. It herbs and medicinal garden, which compounded Tamoqaha to the richness and diversity of the Atlas Mountains, to «Timalizin» garden that is available on many many types of plants, some of which exist only in the region, through Daah for the production of saffron, which are at the height of splendor during the harvest of saffron from the end of October to mid-November, to the City of Fatima, which is located at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level, where the paved road ends, eliciting the beginning of expeditions to the nearby mountains.
How to reach?
Through the car:
Is the perfect choice to get to Eureka in the absence of rugged road from Marrakech to City Fadma, because it provides the opportunity to stop by the desire of the person, and thus enjoy the scenery, which compounded the sun view a sneak at the age of between mountain peaks beautiful and charming.
Taxis from the large type:
Do not link the bus regularly between Marrakesh and Eureka.
Take taxis to AED 25 per person and can be Aktraúha to 150 dirhams.

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Falls City Fatima

The way to the waterfalls is through Eureka Marrakech .. stems from your point of Mohammed VI Street ..
Film compound Maikarama leave on your right in the face of Agdal Gardens, left to lead you through the Altoaadtha ..
With viewing angles are filled through the magnificent shrub Alcaleptus trees and willows and olive ..
Along the heights of the Atlas great red color Alrakna to greenery ..
And raise your attention on the road shows and porcelain sculptures, carpets and built in outdoor ..
The carpets will look like and exhibits ceramic art paintings than the green mangroves, and the way the glamorous red from the dust of the nearby mountains and the role of them beautiful and fun ..
You're going often encounter trickling water from several areas as here ..
You're going to find many of the primitive wooden bridges ..
Put it between the two sides of the valley to cross them when the valley is full ..
Number of waterfalls in the City Fatima seven waterfalls ..
Ascension of the Falls is very hard, which is in a high place so it has increased in weight and has no fitness is not venturing ..
And also careful to wear the proper shoes to climb to avoid slipping God forbid ..
All the way and you climber falls to pass a wide range of restaurants and sessions ..
It is very popular and beautiful views .. and increase his beautiful purity of the air and its amenities ..
These restaurants and hearings by virtue of a high presence ..
Apart from electricity ..
Rely on natural cooling ..
Which they put drinks and fruit under water trickling ..
In order to remain in good and moderate cooler ..

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Paradise valley

On the Imouzzer road starting from Agadir, 25 km from aourir is a small car park is to or has started the journey to paradise.
after 1 hour of walking in the middle of the forest, mountains and rivers, an amazing, beautiful place, with three large waterfalls with their large natural pools in turquoise waters, it looks like heaven on earth.

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Chefchaouen and Akchour, paradie on earth

Chefchaouen present quiet mountains in nature, clean and people are good, blessed with views of the most fascinating, and park a natural flowing water from overlooking the city mountains in the form of a waterfall increasing them well and splendor and turning "water head" to the vacationer meant visitors for recreation in the sultry summer when the hills like the trickling water flowing rhythm playing a romantic symphony for nature lovers.
Chefchaouen leave in the morning and we hold good impressions of the city and harmonious colors and its streets and alleys and squares reminiscent of one's time connecting Andalusia, and the destination this time Oakecor falls far from the provincial capital, about thirty Kelmtra
   Across the road leading to Tetouan and Wade Lau, the road penetrates the mountains, forests and rivers and is characterized by the diversity of terrain, many cars going in the same direction, has turned the place into a tourist destination of choice among North families or coming from different cities of Morocco, and the international tourists a strong presence by the media propaganda Wide Web that has made the world a small village.
We get to the end of the road station parking which concludes the journey riding chairs armchairs to give way to walk on foot distances vary depending on fitness and experience to walk in coral and valleys and dense forests in the foothills of the mountains and over the Rocky ground and the bottom of the cliff hugging the sky in the meteoric highs, access to major waterfalls requires two hours and a half ago through devious rugged require effort intramuscularly great Availability on usable supplies and equipment such as these circumstances adventures, and those who betrayed his strength to rest in one of the break-side of the valley stations under the shade of leafy trees, where the cold water and the breeze and there are some diets offer (Twagen mountain), drinks and cups of tea Mnana and enough believers fighting.
One youth period may regrets reached older no longer allow him to lift some of the challenges and do some adventures Kedzlq mountains and hiking for hours as is the case here Bagchor where pass in front of me cohorts of young people determined to reach the waterfalls are all Hamas activity and vitality faithful old days ...
The only consolation is shown scenic that abound in the region, which entice the visitor to refer to other times because they lived conscience, and wherever you are Ciecdna nostalgia to Shada.

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Dakhla Moroccan among the top tourist destinations

Is the jewel of the south, rich in scenic Taatmouka middle of the desert and the sea, has more than three hundred days of sunshine a year, and the beaches of sight along, carrying potential in tourism positioned to become a major tourist destination, and classified newspaper "New York Times", the US recently, within the exclusive list the world's best destinations, in 2012.

Dakhla is located in the south-west of the Moroccan Sahara region, a coastal city overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. And is located near the Moroccan Mauritanian common border, is the second largest city in the Moroccan Sahara.

Also known as the Valley of Gold, a charming town and features elegance as it is one of the Moroccan tourist cities for the influx of a large number of tourists from all over the world, and is also characterized by diverse fish wealth.

"Villa Cisneros," so it was called during the reign of the centenarians Spaniards, were constructed within the city in 1884, and represented the first bastions of fishing for the Spanish presence in the desert.
Best suited for the sport of surfing
Known as the city of Dakhla annual influx of substantial numbers of European tourists lovers of windsurfing and "kite board" in Bay City, as tourists can not miss the opportunity to enjoy the warm weather in the winter and moderate enjoyed by inflows.

Thanks to its geographical location, which extends 40 kilometers into the Atlantic Ocean, the city became involved kiss to practice the sport of water skiing by practitioners and enthusiasts task.

Lake Dakhla, which is located in the north of the Bay and Golden Valley, thanks to its coast and extends spacious and medium waves, are entering a secure area and almost without the dangers of the practice of sport water skiing for beginners.

Dakhla long sought to take a privileged location on the world map of marine sports, and they are able to achieve, it seems, as it became involved attracts practitioners of sports water skiing, where he is now receiving from time to time in the universal heroes skating training.

As a result, too, embracing within a year, "the sea and the desert" festival, which seeks through guides to attract investors and introduce them to the tourist capacity of the area, as can be thousands of attendees to the festival of Moroccans and foreigners from the discovery of authentic culture and nature attractions of the area.

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City «Ifrane» Switzerland Moroccan ..

Ifrane city located in Morocco at an altitude of 5,460 feet above the Mediterranean sea level, the city does not look like any other city in Morocco. This city built on top of a small hill, the look and feel in the Swiss Alps, because of the red-roofed houses stylish, colorful flowers and orchards, natural parks, lakes and snow-covered trees during the winter. This combination of great natural beauty granted the city that are designed European-style nickname "Switzerland of Morocco."

In the spring season festooned Ifrane City rice forests, grasslands life that thrive in the winter there are a sharp contrast in climate due to the hot and dry climate that surrounds the area. Due to the ease of access, Ifrane is a kiss wealthy Amazigh, Fez, Meknes and Marrakech, who flock here to experience the separation of a European winter.

Ifrane built by the French in the thirties, during the years of occupation, and it was what the French attracted to this city and still attracts wealthy Moroccans it is a cold climate during the summer, while the cities of Fez and Meknes pouring with sweat from the heat be Ifrane mild weather and refreshing.

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Oukaïmden mountains

Oukaïmden mountainous areas are located in the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco, where the towering Mount Tobqal most high in Morocco Baal 4165 Mtra.ttoagd station of the most important stations on skating on ice (of course, along with stations Michleven and Habre Bayevran). These circumstances leg is located 74km kilometers from the city of Marrakech Ahamra.aaly point in Aokimdn station up to 3200 M.uimars skiing at an altitude of between 500 m and 3200 M.autamtd on more than 300ha hectares and is characterized by the largest in Morocco as a timetable and the longest in terms of duration of the presence of snow up to 5 months, sometimes in Alsna.hat snow beginning of the month of November to exist until the month of April of each year.

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The eyes or the spring

Is the eyes or the spring of the finest tourist sites province Palringo, visited by a large number of tourists, whether coming from within Morocco or from abroad, these visits abound in the summer featuring the eyes or spring moderately temperature, and the presence of cold water and some of the special places to swim though illegal raises appetite visit more of the area.
Eyes or spring: located just 50 Klomtler city of Palringo, at an altitude of up to 1556 meters and these eyes Besbeb characterized by very high and present them fresh water and other salty, also surrounded by a set of eyes is, more than 40 eye - and a waterfall and faults huge rock.

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hello Ouzoud

Ouzoud Falls months of Morocco Falls kiss for tourists from home and abroad throughout the year. Waterfalls are located in the village of Tanajmilt city Azilal High Atlas Mountains. Featuring Ouzoud zone climate healthy and green areas, including the stunning from a variety of plants and animals. Ozo word "olive" spread extensively in the region as well as pomegranates, figs, almonds, apples, oak and other trees that increase the beauty of the area.

Ouzoud Falls is a four valleys falling waters in two phases up to a height of over 400 meters. Water Valley Ouzoud flows converge in one course, hurt, about a kilometer away in the valley of the slaves primary tributary of the river or spring.

Located near the Ouzoud Falls Mills conventional grinding grain powered water falls. Also present at the bottom of the waterfall Lakertan slots offering enthusiasts Fshaoua swim pool.

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Al Hoceima and best beaches

The best seats in one of the most beautiful cities Al Hoceima, with the best beaches that can existed
Boscor Beach Boscor famous beach city of Al Hoceima, sandy beaches, soft and golden, warm summers and sea, the beach and an annual destination for King Mohammed VI, who enjoys visiting Boscor Beach, where he discovered that the sea water in this beach warm more than the rest of the beaches in the summer. Al-Hoceima, Al Hoceima Coast
National Park of the National Park of Hasima Hasima resides National Park for Hasima tribe Bgiwh northeastern Morocco overlooking the estimated 48,500 hectares on the waterfront area. The park contains many rare marine organisms and biological diversity is great. Al Hoceïma, Al Hoceima
Clabonita Clabonita Clabonita Beach Beach Beach Al Hoceima also called beach beautiful sight located at the entrance of the city. It is one of the tourist beaches loved by Arab and foreign travelers to spend their vacation classroom. The beach also underwent many of the reforms that have made him one of the most prominent events and places of tourism in Al Hoceima. AL-Hoceima, Al Hoceima
Quemado Quemado Beach Beach Battuta Rating: 12345 Quemado Beach Al Hoceima order and quietest tourist beaches in the region. The beach is available on the tourist qualifications made him the kiss of many Arab and foreign tourists from gold and calm waters and a net sand. AL-Hoceima, Al Hoceima
Aspalmadro Aspalmadro Beach Beach Beach Aspalmadero located three kilometers east of the city of Al Hoceima. The beach in an arc length of up to 200 meters and an area of ​​ten thousand square meters. Beach of a particular kind and does not provide a lot of beach sand. AL-Hoceima, Al Hoceima
Joseph Thara Beach Beach Beach Thara Thara Youssef Youssef Al Hoceima one of the most prominent tourist events in the city where Atqtab feast of visitors and tourists from around the globe as it provides natural and aesthetic elements, as well as its strategic location away from the noise of the city. Al-Hoceima, Al Hoceima
Plate plate Beach Beach Beach plate is located just seven kilometers from the city of Al Hoceima, the group exists dirt Lite Yusuf Ali. Beach located near Al Hoceima rock occupied by Spain and you are in church and fort and many of the homes, which make it one of the most important tourist places in Al Hoceima in northern Morocco. 7km from AL-Hoceima City, Al Hoceima
Sawani Sawani Beach Beach SHATI Sawani is located just 18 kilometers from the city of Al Hoceima, a length of about four kilometers. Beach provides a unique combination of diverse landscapes which make it a destination for many tourists and travelers Arabs and foreigners during the summer. Al Hoceima, Al Hoceima
Ozda Ozda Beach Beach Beach Ozda accustomed spots domain Turabi's group Rural Azemorn one of the most important coastal city of Al Hoceima places. Wati beach attracts lovers of all ages and from different Arab and foreign countries. Corniche Sabadia- Al-Hoceima, Al Hoceima
Bbadia Bbadia Beach Beach resides Bbadia Pkrnic Bbadia city of Al Hoceima Beach. And the beach is one of the jewels of the Mediterranean, to what is available from the elements of aesthetic charming, making it a tourist destination and one of the important tourist places in Al Hoceima located northeast Morocco.

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Awesome Tangier

The Tangier is a city of the cities of the Kingdom of Morocco, and this city is located in the north of the UK. A coastal city, where he occupies the northern part of the west coast of the continent of Africa, specifically stretching coastline on the south western entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar at the confluence of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea Point, and challenge the city of Tangier from the East and the South City (Tetouan). The city of Tangier name translates into English word: (Tangier), and to the French word: (Tanger).

Tangier is considered - by administrative division in the Kingdom of Morocco - the capital of the hand (Tetouan), In Morocco, the so-called conservative (b side), has this party named after the two cities, which is made up of them, where this side of the city consists (Tangier), City (Tetouan).

Considered Tangier's sixth-largest city in the Kingdom of Morocco in terms of population, with a population of: (669.596) people, and this is based on 2004 statistics, but the most recent estimates indicate that it has become in fifth place in terms of population, with an estimated population about: (793.776) people. So doing, the city of Tangier have surpassed the city of Agadir, which fell to sixth place.

Most of the population speaks in the city of Tangier Moroccan dialect of Arabic, and some of them speak the Amazigh language, which is the Arabic language and Alomazieih official languages ​​of the Kingdom of Morocco.

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Fes cultural and historical city

The city of Fez one of the major Moroccan cities rich in heritage and history pulsating in the corners and hills and valleys, and has a population of about 1.9 million residents, was founded by Idris II and made it the capital Idrisid state in 182 AH, located on the right bank of the river Fez, and explodes from easy Sais many springs; thus make it a rich water source, located in a fertile valley surrounded by hills and there are around forests with trees of oak and cedar, and is extracted from high-quality wood suitable for all uses, and around Lands wide suitable for agriculture, where lush vineyards, olive trees, oranges, pomegranates, and spread in pastures sheep, goats and cows, and the city of Fez is divided into three sections: the three sections of Fez el Bali new new city and Fez, a spiritual city for the people of the Maghreb.
The cultural and historical city postcard beaches collector villagers who founded Fatima Fahri in 245 AH, and has a scientific university attached to it, is a cultural and scientific center, which is the second oldest university in the world, and out of some Western scholars, and studied the Arab scratch for the first time, and built around the schools in the second century, though school Attarine smaller schools and Tmazit built by the architect, and the collector villagers seventeen Pope, decorated with exquisite Andalusian decoration, and has a platform made of carved wood and the restaurant, and the Andalusian Mosque with windows and ornate ceiling of the chapel and Alvesfessae which filled, and Najafh copper locket from the ceiling.
It contains in deferred celebrations and festivals and international conferences in the cultural, scientific, intellectual and religious fields, also held by the International Conference of the cities of the Third World Heritage in 1993, and ranked global human heritage in 1981.
What characterized the city for other cities in Morocco, there are ten thousands of old out building, where the hills palaces built since ancient times, and there are old out houses song narrow, and decorated the beautiful mosaics, and the flowing water fountains and the eyes of seventy kilometers, and by four thousands fountain, which make it a vital source of water.
The advantage of Guha Bhrarth summer and coldness winter, and moderation in the fall and spring, when there is more number of tourist arrivals in the two seasons and are often the purpose of tourism Show ancient monuments in the city of Fez and palaces and buildings or disembark international events held in the struggle or eating certain intellectual issue.
And Fez vibrant movement markets and alleys twisted take transit to treasure civilized unknown, and the Attarine market one of the oldest Morocco markets which contains shops sellers Attarine smells of herbs and spices, medicinal plants, and gardens of Andalusia, and a curfew in the city of Fez needs to be a tour guide; so as not to miss the tourist out.
It features people goodness and generosity, loyalty, respect, and welcome guests arriving on them, and they spread out the customs and traditions of Moroccan weddings handed down through generations and rituals, and feel like a tourist in his footsteps if its doorstep, Vićbut out and stay for a long period.

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Desert Merzouga

It is southeast Morocco that extend the high dunes of Erg Chebbi, attraction of adventure tourism, including the village of Merzouga derives its main economic development.
The village center, flanked by a wide unpaved street where crossing majority of all-terrain vehicles, known nonchalance that can know the Saharan communities. Small cafes lining the artery are at all times the traditional mint tea without forgetting the soft drinks especially welcome under a blazing sun.
Only meters, the desert stands majestically, offering an exceptional panorama ocher varies according to the glittering curve of the sun. Merzouga is a favorite destination of southern Morocco for those who want to experience the desert. The multitude of inns, present all along the dunes, without exception organizes rides a camel in Erg Chebbi.
Coming to Merzouga attend sunrises and sunsets, these ships of the desert, is the major event that will remain etched in everyone's memory. Some prefer to spend the night in camp. The nomadic tents scattered in the dunes, only the camel perfectly know the course, wisely waiting for their guests under the stars in absolute calm.
What's Near Merzouga, we discover a surprising, Lake Srji Dayet in this hamada black stones surrounding dunes, where flamingos come to rest there, from June to September, during migrations between Europe and Madagascar. Plant the nomadic Berber tents made of goat hair or camel, the time of a mild season, before moving to less arid plains during the summer.

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Casablanca, modern beauty dreamer City

It is the economic capital of Morocco. In Casablanca, Morocco, that pushes forward into the future with all its activities, and determination, and Mrhaa that up to you and Aaadik ...

Since 1912 Architects as a model city built, modern beauty dreamer City, explores the prospects. And they had planned to become a development and evolution continued bullish city. The largest city in Morocco architectural beauty amaze you.
Not surprising, then, that Casablanca has been chosen to build the memorial, said the greatest in this century. It's the dream of the whole nation: the late mosque His Majesty King Hassan II.
International issues discussed in Casablanca, and trades luxury luxury abound where, advanced industries stationed there, and major hotels multiply constantly, and international conferences held in its shores. Yes, the Casablanca represent the civilized face of Morocco.
Casablanca has a 60% coefficient of Morocco and his companies. Including, of course, very advanced industries. It also consumes 30% of the electric power for the country. And where stationed almost every bank headquarters. Everything is done in Casablanca. It is the industrial and commercial capital of Morocco.
It was avant-garde city. They are used and technology progress and modernity and sing treasures authentic Moroccan heritage in order to create its own style. Here lies the strength of Casablanca and its superiority over other matters. It combines tradition and modernity, between tradition and modernity.
Since the early twentieth century provided the same architectural plan for the organization of cities, in order to pre-empt the great massive growth will happen later. From its position off the shape of the constellation consistent set of wide streets surrounded by buildings that combines elegant decor of Modern Art and the new Moorish art. They compete with each other through the domes, and compartments, columns, balconies made of cedar wood, lamps stairs.
As the harbor does not have a natural marina berths, they began to adopt a huge name of Moulay Youssef. And a length of 3180 meters. It thus became the first harbor in Morocco and Africa on the fourth level.
The Mohammed V International Airport has also been established there. It is the largest airport in the country. It was built in the image of the city recently. The framework of a meeting with a very modern and top model. He is an architect, said the traditional way authentic and ancient country.
And what can we say about the late Hassan II Mosque ?! It is the pride of Casablanca, Morocco whole. It is not the plane, but you can see it. Since it is based on the Atlantic Ocean, it looks like a divine ship! But if His Holiness does not come only from the sky, the greatness and beauty of man-made. Has made him all the dedication and technical and technological availability and skill. The prayer hall can accommodate a huge number of believers up to 250.000. The courtyard Visa to eighty thousand people. It has been used in the construction of traditional Moroccan architecture, the latest addition to the global architecture techniques. And reached their peak mating in this edifice, the Great Mosque. Have flocked to him from all over the UK more than 3,300 artisans to build it. And built this edifice immortal which covers an area of ​​two hectares on the set of columns erected in the water. The minaret, which reaches a height of two hundred meters is the highest minarets in all parts of the Islamic world. The Open and mobile roof that he can transform the prayer hall to lobby House in three minutes. These manufacturers have traditional carving at least ten thousand square meters of tiles, and 67,000 square meters of plaster, and 53,000 square meters of wood ... The Great Mosque of the late King Hassan II is simply astounding and eye-catching! .. .
In Casablanca until markets has re-organized and arranged in order to keep pace with the movement of progress and modernity. What a success! Multiply the example Habbous neighborhood (habs) which was built in the early twentieth century, and that seems full of vigor and vitality since eternity. It is now punctuated by occasional small squares shaded by trees, and the narrow streets surrounded by parentheses or corridors that lead you from one market to another. Here we note that the coppersmiths make tea pots, metal pots, chandeliers, vases, lanterns, dishes ... and there you will find bazaars which is filled with goods from the bottom of the ground to the top of the roof! It is different items, heterogeneous, of all kinds, colors and shapes ... In third place you will find olive market and Roaúha aromatic ...
In another market find desserts that are stacked on top of each other. A variety of sweets, delicious, include pancakes, and deer horns, pastries stuffed with dates ... Elsewhere you will find rows of mica * -tm deletion sewing machines. The word is respected not allowed in this Almenendy- * Yeh driven by men wearing dress associated with ... and then there are also those strange and amazing shops full of ancient antiquities. Each commodity which impress and make you dream ...
In this neighborhood stand tall Basha court. It is a wonderful historic edifice is used as a court and Ksalon for official receptions and celebrations at the same time. Shortly afterwards, there is Notre Dame de Lourdes Church. It is a luxurious building carved from stone and concrete armed. And built back to the fifties of the twentieth century. It is lit by a huge glass windows with a size of 800 meters.
Compared with the modern city, the ancient city look like a maze wonderful walled happily. But what most enjoyable that Taatjulua where! Valhalaqon, and butchers, and Grocers, and Attaron their customers and many appear in every moment, and if they give you a new play, or a spectacle unmatched.
But if the Casablanca full of movement and activity during the day, they are full of fresh air at night. It's the sea air that you can and you Chmoh you walk along the promenade into the famous Diab. Is there a more beautiful than the Corniche Casablanca?! .. Here there is recreation center with all its beaches, and Msabha, modern Hanath, and restaurants, and hotels.
The Casablanca is Morocco's economic capital and the most dynamic and vibrant cities. It derives its strength from the present, which led towards modernity and the future. It encourages meetings, discussions and provide the same basic infrastructure owned by every major international capital. Here are held periodically conferences and seminars that bring senior intellectuals, industrialists and businessmen from around the world. In the luxury saloons major hotels also held weekly seminars and round tables on various topics. From time to time also held summits whether Arab or international summit. In fact, it is one of the customs and traditions. In 1943, His Majesty the late King Mohammed V, accompanied by HRH Prince Hassan II, the young, the three top leaders of the free world: Churchill, Roosevelt, and de Gaulle. It was the occasion of the conference earlier.
Suffice it to come out of the people of Casablanca city and walk a few kilometers to become in the lap of nature, in order to enjoy the many pleasures. Do not hesitate for one moment in their tradition. Just go to the sea, beaches and relaxed there, toured the magnificent forests, Agttsoa in the depths of ancient history by visiting the fortified cities.
All options are open to you here ... For after 28 kilometers to the north you will find a fine sand beach, in addition to the casino, luxury hotels and luxury, and the racecourse, and the yacht club, and golf course Butqhobh eighteen and on the edge of the ocean. You are here in the Muhammadiyah, the station recreational favorite for the people of Casablanca. It is understood that harbor hesitated him since the fourth century Italian ships coming from Pisa, and Genoa, and Venice, as well as the Portuguese ships were reluctant at this port, which is one of the busiest ports in the country.
If Atjhtm slightly towards the east, you will find Bin Sulaiman City scenic village beautiful, green orchards and natural pleasures. Then you that you will walks away in the wonderful Gabtha called "Zaaidas", which is filled with oak trees. You can also do your hunting them. There is also a golf course with nine holes and is surrounded by a beautiful lake where carp "carp" and ducks live.
The south of Casablanca, in the spacious plains, Vtgdon famous vineyard called "Polawan" and deployed on D view. Hence comes the "gray" famous. Do not be surprised if you see a hawk hovering above. Vhakol Polawan not internationally famous only because of the quality Khmurha, but also because of the hawks. Here, there is a excellent places for fishing by Falcon. Jam and hawks found in Reed famous rectangular in shape and with seven fortified strongholds. The year 1710 had been built by Moulay Ismail.
If Sartm hundred kilometers to the south along the beach, you will find the fortified cities that were formerly Portuguese exchange offices. First, there is the walled city of Azemmour based red clay dust. On the road there are periodic small terrace overlooking the mouth of the valley fries water or spring. It is famous for the good Bosmakea resembling sardines. It is known that fish meal this month is a local meal. The ancient city they are wonderful Bouaputea white square format. They blow it Araúh decking flowers verdant landscape delighting and joyous. It Araúh Ttrutb top of each other in the form of balconies interfere with olive trees and pomegranates.
Then you pray, then to the new shelter, which is the best that is on all the Atlantic coast. Morocco has had to fight fierce battles for the retrieval of the Portuguese who were forced to withdraw from the year 1769. The city walls provide you with a wonderful panoramic view. Every one of the five forts offers you a unique view of its kind on the harbor, ditches, houses overlapped on top of each other ...
It should be in any form you to visit the wonderful Portuguese tank that size up to 1100 square meters. Water and light mix it and highlight the amazing Gothic architecture. It is well known that the filmmakers used this fantasy decor to portray many of their films. The mention of them in particular, Orson Welles, who filmed here his film "Othello"
In the central market of Casablanca in front of you or Holiday Festival of views and smells. Everything shine in front of you, all the perfume wafting in your faces and fills Onovkm .., if you will and descending Hotel Tasfon inevitably to that you can not buy the kind of all these goods and Ttabkhuha in your houses. Valkhaddroat, fruits and other products Tshahy matter. They are arranged next to each other, or on top of each other in a consistent and classy. In front of you all the fish and fruits emerging sea species emerging from the Atlantic Ocean. It's fresh, tasty. Before you also pyramids of fruit and vegetables a mixed flowers with bright colors .. What a wonderful view of the eye is pleased
Just a few kilometers from Casablanca, over a small rocky island rises Dome Wali good Sidi Abdel Rahman. But that can not be reached, but in the case of the far islands. It is a fascinating look at the sunset.
Just go in the day and enjoyed the view of Mohammed V Square. What a wonderful architectural complex! Here, no post office, and the Palace of Justice, and the headquarters of the state, and the Consulate of France, the Bank of Morocco. All of which are arranged in a consistent and wonderful about the fountain scene ... and when mixed with water camped the night lights and offer breathtaking spectacle robs the mind ...

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