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mercredi 15 avril 2015

Chefchaouen and Akchour, paradie on earth

Chefchaouen present quiet mountains in nature, clean and people are good, blessed with views of the most fascinating, and park a natural flowing water from overlooking the city mountains in the form of a waterfall increasing them well and splendor and turning "water head" to the vacationer meant visitors for recreation in the sultry summer when the hills like the trickling water flowing rhythm playing a romantic symphony for nature lovers.
Chefchaouen leave in the morning and we hold good impressions of the city and harmonious colors and its streets and alleys and squares reminiscent of one's time connecting Andalusia, and the destination this time Oakecor falls far from the provincial capital, about thirty Kelmtra
   Across the road leading to Tetouan and Wade Lau, the road penetrates the mountains, forests and rivers and is characterized by the diversity of terrain, many cars going in the same direction, has turned the place into a tourist destination of choice among North families or coming from different cities of Morocco, and the international tourists a strong presence by the media propaganda Wide Web that has made the world a small village.
We get to the end of the road station parking which concludes the journey riding chairs armchairs to give way to walk on foot distances vary depending on fitness and experience to walk in coral and valleys and dense forests in the foothills of the mountains and over the Rocky ground and the bottom of the cliff hugging the sky in the meteoric highs, access to major waterfalls requires two hours and a half ago through devious rugged require effort intramuscularly great Availability on usable supplies and equipment such as these circumstances adventures, and those who betrayed his strength to rest in one of the break-side of the valley stations under the shade of leafy trees, where the cold water and the breeze and there are some diets offer (Twagen mountain), drinks and cups of tea Mnana and enough believers fighting.
One youth period may regrets reached older no longer allow him to lift some of the challenges and do some adventures Kedzlq mountains and hiking for hours as is the case here Bagchor where pass in front of me cohorts of young people determined to reach the waterfalls are all Hamas activity and vitality faithful old days ...
The only consolation is shown scenic that abound in the region, which entice the visitor to refer to other times because they lived conscience, and wherever you are Ciecdna nostalgia to Shada.

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