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mercredi 15 avril 2015

Fes cultural and historical city

The city of Fez one of the major Moroccan cities rich in heritage and history pulsating in the corners and hills and valleys, and has a population of about 1.9 million residents, was founded by Idris II and made it the capital Idrisid state in 182 AH, located on the right bank of the river Fez, and explodes from easy Sais many springs; thus make it a rich water source, located in a fertile valley surrounded by hills and there are around forests with trees of oak and cedar, and is extracted from high-quality wood suitable for all uses, and around Lands wide suitable for agriculture, where lush vineyards, olive trees, oranges, pomegranates, and spread in pastures sheep, goats and cows, and the city of Fez is divided into three sections: the three sections of Fez el Bali new new city and Fez, a spiritual city for the people of the Maghreb.
The cultural and historical city postcard beaches collector villagers who founded Fatima Fahri in 245 AH, and has a scientific university attached to it, is a cultural and scientific center, which is the second oldest university in the world, and out of some Western scholars, and studied the Arab scratch for the first time, and built around the schools in the second century, though school Attarine smaller schools and Tmazit built by the architect, and the collector villagers seventeen Pope, decorated with exquisite Andalusian decoration, and has a platform made of carved wood and the restaurant, and the Andalusian Mosque with windows and ornate ceiling of the chapel and Alvesfessae which filled, and Najafh copper locket from the ceiling.
It contains in deferred celebrations and festivals and international conferences in the cultural, scientific, intellectual and religious fields, also held by the International Conference of the cities of the Third World Heritage in 1993, and ranked global human heritage in 1981.
What characterized the city for other cities in Morocco, there are ten thousands of old out building, where the hills palaces built since ancient times, and there are old out houses song narrow, and decorated the beautiful mosaics, and the flowing water fountains and the eyes of seventy kilometers, and by four thousands fountain, which make it a vital source of water.
The advantage of Guha Bhrarth summer and coldness winter, and moderation in the fall and spring, when there is more number of tourist arrivals in the two seasons and are often the purpose of tourism Show ancient monuments in the city of Fez and palaces and buildings or disembark international events held in the struggle or eating certain intellectual issue.
And Fez vibrant movement markets and alleys twisted take transit to treasure civilized unknown, and the Attarine market one of the oldest Morocco markets which contains shops sellers Attarine smells of herbs and spices, medicinal plants, and gardens of Andalusia, and a curfew in the city of Fez needs to be a tour guide; so as not to miss the tourist out.
It features people goodness and generosity, loyalty, respect, and welcome guests arriving on them, and they spread out the customs and traditions of Moroccan weddings handed down through generations and rituals, and feel like a tourist in his footsteps if its doorstep, Vićbut out and stay for a long period.

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