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mercredi 15 avril 2015


Salé is an ancient Moroccan city of Salé labor and capital located in western country. The city is located on the north bank of the River Bouregreg, on the right of its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Moroccan capital Rabat. Named after an ancient name of Chellah.
The origins of the city, according to historians, the Almohad Testament (23:00 century), the city and saw the vigor and prosperity of that era. City knew sophisticated civilization reflected the achievements of the group comes in the forefront of the Great Mosque, established by Jacob Mansour Almohad the year 1196 AD The era Meridinide, (14th century AD) flourishing urban and civilized unparalleled H.tad Salé throughout Islamic history, the task of crossing between the cities and capitals of the Islamic point of period Morocco, like Fez, Marrakesh ruled. Thanks to the presence of the port on the coast of the city which has become a center of commercial exchange between Morocco and Europe and in turn led to the stability and sustainability of commercial and industrial activity to the limits of the nineteenth century.

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